This is Caelyn Steadystep
She's me. Sort of. Or I'm her?

Like the Stranger Things kids, I grew up in the 1980s, and like them, I was SUPER into Dungeons & Dragons in my early teens.
After spending the better part of a couple of decades away from the hobby, I fell back into it about a year and a half ago, and have been traipsing all over Chult punching zombie dinosaurs and Living. My. Best. Life.

I was having so much fun with my local group, that I decided to start a "Rookies Guild" at Quora, and have been running drop-in games for my co-workers a couple of evenings every month for the past year. I even started a Quora Space where people could share their favorite news, stories, and anecdotes about modern D&D. I'm having an absolute blast, re-connecting with this part of my past.